Pose Light Shoot Workshop
1 day
13th July 2019
10.00am – 3.00pm
Cost £75


The problem faced by portrait enthusiasts is finding a willing or paid sitter. Not everybody has a willing friend or the money to cover the cost of a model for the duration of a portrait study. The alternative is to find images online or take their own reference images. Most images found on the internet aren’t fit to be used as a reference photo. One solution is to take your own reference photo to find a pose and lighting that interests you.

This workshop is part of the curriculum from the One Year Painting Program. If your interested in taking part in the program and would like to see if this would suit your needs then this workshop will give you a glimpse of Louis Smiths teaching method and the facilities on offer.

Aim of the Workshop
To learn how to pose and light a model and how to take a good reference photo.

Learn how to use a verity of techniques to set up an interesting portrait reference

  • Lighting patterns: rembrandt, butterfly, short and side lighting to create drama or serenity
  • Gesture: the use of Contrapossto posing to create interesting compositions
  • Camera angles: how to create mood and stature
  • Equipment: confidence in using a given situation to create a good portrait reference image

We will be going over a number of elements throughout the day then putting it all together to produce some interesting reference photos for future use.

  1. Materials: before buying expensive equipment, a little knowledge can save a lot of money, you don’t need to invest in expensive equipment. Louis will be demonstrating the alternatives to buying expensive equipment.
  2. Exposure Compensation Metre: this can be set by using a verity of different camera modes.  Louis will discus the variables that contribute to setting this up.
  3. Lighting Patterns: understanding  four basic basic lighting patterns, Rembrandt, Butterfly, Short and Side Lighting.
  4. Contrapposto: how to create a interesting gestures by varying the shoulder, head and eye angles.
  5. Camera Angles: How to create a dominant or submissive view of the sitter
  6. Poise: Stately, proud, regal passive, mournful, thoughtful expressions.

Portrait Models for the Workshop

We will be using 2 models with 4 people assigned to each model. The models will be alternating between each group throughout the day and we will be offering a male and female model to offer verity of options. Below are the 2 models that have been arranged for the day.


Materials Needed: Camera Phones and iPads are acceptable  but don’t have the same range of tone as pocket and SLR Cameras of the same period. To get the best reference shots SLRs are advisable.

Materials provided: Lighting, Reflectors, Background and Camera Tripod.

Pose Light Shoot Workshop

£7500One Day Course
  • 2 Models for the Day