Advanced Alla Prima Deposit and Materials Deal


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Deposit = £40
Materials = £20

Total Cost = £60

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Registration Deposit = £40

Advanced Alla Prima Workshop = £120. To register for the workshop, pay the £40 deposit plus £20 for the materials deal. Then pay the balance of £80 on the day.

Materials deal = £20

Offer includes use of:

jacksons artist oils
order code= OJ60
Titanium White
Cadmium yellow genuine
Cadmium orange hue
Cadmium red genuine
Alizarin chrimson
Pthalo blue
Pthalo green
Burnt umber

Jacksons refined linseed oil,
order code= MJL60

A small pallet will do,
order code = AWKS

Medium holder, (Attatches to pallet to hold medium,order )
code = AADD

Pallet Knife, (scraping paint of pallet and mixing paint)
order code = RPK-54

Paper towels,

Odourless Thinners,
For washing brushes and thinning medium. Buy this from B&Q or any DIY shop.

A Jar
Pickle size to keep your Odourless spirits for washing brushes.

jacksons academy cotton
size= 16”x20” or 51x40cm
code = CCS

OFFER DOES NOT INCLUDE BRUSHES. If you need affordable quality brushes then click the link below.
or better quality

NOTE choose the LONG HANDLED BRUSHES on the website

Sizes 0,1,2,4,6,8,10,12 are a good starting range.

Any queries please contact the organiser Louis




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